Examples of promotions and advertisements
your company will receive

Presenting Partner | $20,000
Presenting Partner-- $20,000 You will receive: Your Company Name Presents “Funk Fest 2024” Maximum Exposure on the Official 2024 partner banner and all media advertising.
Maximum exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. provided to patrons during the event. One partner booth for promotional materials with maximum exposure. An Opportunity to place your banner by the stage.
An Opportunity to promote products/ services and/or provide give-aways and promotional material as agreed upon times and dates throughout the event. On stage presenter of musical instruments to students.
Agreed upon opportunity to address the patrons from the stage.
Opportunity to place marketing materials in designated areas of the Event. 200 VIP reserved tickets to the event.
Special meet and greet opportunities with the artist. VIP Reception.
Platinum Level Partner | $10,000
Platinum Level Partner-- $10,000 You will receive: Platinum Level Exposure and Inclusion in forth coming promotional materials for the event. Platinum Level Exposure on the Official 2024 sponsor banner.
Platinum exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. provided to patrons during the event. Prime sponsor of one of the entertainment stages. Prime Partner Booth.
An Opportunity to place your banner by the stage no larger than the presenting/ Official sponsor banner. Agreed upon amount of public address announcements.
An Opportunity to promote products/ services and/or provide give-aways and promotional material as agreed upon times and dates throughout the event. 100 VIP reserved tickets.
Special Meet and greet opportunities with the artist. VIP Reception

Gold Level Partner | $5,000
Gold Level Partner—$5,000 You will receive: Gold Level Exposure and Inclusion in forth coming promotional materials for the event.
Gold Level Exposure on the Official 2024 sponsor banner. Gold Level exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. Provided to patrons during the event.
An opportunity to place your banner by the stage no larger than the presenting/ official sponsor banner. Prime partner Booth.
Special Meet and greet opportunities with the artist. VIP Reception
Silver Level Partner | $2,500
You will receive: Silver Level Exposure and Inclusion in forth coming promotional materials for the event.
Silver Level Exposure on the Official 2024 sponsor banner. Silver Level exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. Provided to patrons during the event.
Partner booth Special Meet and greet opportunities with the artist.- VIP Reception
Bronze Level Partner | $1,500
Bronze Level Exposure and Inclusion in forth coming promotional materials for the event.
Bronze Level Exposure on the Official 2024 sponsor banner.
Bronze Level exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. Provided to patrons during the event.
Special Meet and greet opportunities with the artist.- Partner Booth
Patron C4C Supporter | $1,000
You will receive: Bronze Level Exposure and Inclusion in forth coming promotional materials for the event.
Bronze Level Exposure on the Official 2024 sponsor banner. Patron Level exposure on schedules, Information packets, Flyers, etc. Provided to patrons during the event.
Special Meet and greet opportunities with the artist.- Optional vendor booth.